
Education Loans

Sorry for the long hiatus from posting - I've been working on finals, graduating from BYU, and moving back home to Alaska. But I'm finished with school and ready to put time into some good posts!

Just a thought for today - As I've just finished college, here's a little insight on financing an education.

Education loans are relatively easy to come across, but if at all possible, I encourage students to get by the best they can without them. Live frugally and within your means - college is probably the easiest time in your life to live cheaply.

Remember these two points:

1. When you graduate from college and start making some real money (hopefully!), just think how wonderful it would be to NOT OWE YOUR PAYCHECK to anyone! When money comes in, you get to decide what you do with it!

2. When you're in school, remember that if you live NOW like most people WON'T, later you'll live like most people CAN'T.